








首先,阅读本文你需要了解编程,最好了解一点汇编语言。如果你还不知道指令指针(instruction pointer)是什么,那么本文对你来说可能有些难。你需要知道什么是寄存器,指令和缓存,如果不明白它们是什么,你需要尽快查找资料了解一下。



















1995年Intel推出了奔腾Pro(Pentium Pro)处理器。和之前的处理器相比,奔腾Pro采用了完全不同的设计。该处理器采用了诸多新特性以提高性能,包括乱序(Out-of-Order, OOO)执行的部件以及猜测执行。流水线扩展到了12级,而且引入了“超标量流水线”的概念,使得许多指令可以被同时处理。我们稍后将详尽的介绍乱序执行的部件。

在1995-2002年之间,乱序执行部件经过了数次重大改进。处理器中加入了更多的寄存器;单指令多数据(Single Instruction Multiple Data, or SIMD)的引入使得一条指令可以进行多组数据运算;现有的缓存变得更大而且引入了新的缓存;有些流水级被拆分成更多流水级,有些流水级被合并,使得更加适合实际的应用。这些改变对整体性能的提升有重要作用,但它们都没有从根本影响数据在处理器中的流动方式。



2008年,Intel开始用酷睿i3, i5, i7的方式来命名新的处理器。新处理器重新引入了超线程。这三个系列的处理器主要区别在于内部缓存大小不同。






I486拥有五级流水线。分别是:取指(Fetch),译码(D1, main decode),转址(D2, translate),执行(EX, execute),写回(WB)。某个指令可以在流水线的任何一级。









奔腾Pro拥有12级流水线。当这个数字被首次宣布后,所有的程序员都倒抽了一口气,因为他们知道超标量流水线是如何工作的。如果Intel仍然按照以前的思路设计超标量流水线的话,流水线的阻塞和执行速度慢的指令会严重影响执行速度。但同时,Intel宣布了完全不同的流水线设计,叫做乱序执行部件(Out-of-Order core)。单从叙述上很难理解这些改变带来的好处,但Intel确信这些改进是令人激动的。














译码级有一些略微的修改。不同于以往处理器仅仅译码指令指针指向的指令,奔腾Pro处理器每一个始终周期最多能译码3条指令。现今的处理器(2008-2013年)每个时钟周期最多可以译码4条指令。译码过程产生很多小片的操作,被称作微指令(micro-ops, ?-ops)。

下一级(或者好几级)被称为微指令翻译,接着是寄存器重命名(register aliasing)。许多操作同时执行,并且执行的顺序是乱序的,所以有可能出现一条指令读一个寄存器的同时,另外一条指令正在对这个寄存器进行写操作。在处理器内部,这些原始的寄存器(如AX,BX,CX,DX等)被翻译(或者重命名)成为内部的寄存器,而这些寄存器对程序员是不可见的。寄存器和内存地址需要被映射到一个临时的地方用于指令执行。当前每个始终周期可以翻译4条微指令。

当微指令翻译完成后,它们会进入一个重排序缓存(Reorder Buffer, ROB),ROB可以存储最多128条微指令。在支持超线程的处理器上,ROB同样可以重排来自两个虚拟处理器的指令。两个虚拟处理器在ROB中将微指令汇集到一个共享的乱序执行部件中。

这些微指令已经准备好可以执行了。它们被放在保留站中(Reservation Station, RS)。RS最多可以同时存储36条微指令。





















你的四个微指令到达寄存器重命名表。你告诉它你需要读哪个内存地址(比如说fs:[eax+18h]),然后寄存器重命名表将这个地址转换为临时地址供微指令使用。地址转化完成后,你的微指令将进入重排序缓存(Reorder Buffer, ROB)并记录指令次序。接着第一时间进入保留站(Reservation Station, RS)。

保留站用于存储已经准备就绪可以执行的指令。你的第三条微指令被立即选中并送往端口5,这个端口直接执行运算。但是你并不知道为什么它会被首先选中,无论如何,它确实被执行了。几个时钟周期之后你的第一条微指令前往端口2,该端口是读单元(Load Address execution unit)。剩余的微指令一直等待,同时各个端口正在收集不同的微指令。他们都在等待端口2将数据从缓存和内存中加载进来并放在临时存储空间内。



















It is good for programmers to understand what goes on inside a processor. The CPU is at the heart of our career.
What goes on inside the CPU? How long does it take for one instruction to run? What does it mean when a new CPU has a 12-stage pipeline, or 18-stage pipeline, or even a “deep” 31-stage pipeline? 
Programs generally treat the CPU as a black box. Instructions go into the box in order, instructions come out of the box in order, and some processing magic happens inside.
As a programmer, it is useful to learn what happens inside the box. This is especially true if you will be working on tasks like program optimization. If you don’t know what is going on inside the CPU, how can you optimize for it?
This article is about what goes on inside the x86 processor’s deep pipeline. 

Stuff You Should Already Know

First, this article assumes you know a bit about programming, and maybe even a little assembly language. If you don’t know what I mean when I mention an instruction pointer, this article probably isn’t for you. When I talk about registers, instructions, and caches, I assume you already know what they mean, can figure it out, or will look it up.
Second, this article is a simplification of a complex topic. If you feel I have left out important details, please add them to the comments at the end.
Third, I am focusing on Intel processors and the x86 family. I know there are many different processor families out there other than x86. I know that AMD introduced many useful features into the x86 family and Intel incorporated them. It is Intel’s architecture and Intel’s instruction set, and Intel introduced the most major feature being covered, so for simplicity and consistency I’m just going to stick with their processors.
Fourth, this article is already out of date. Newer processors are in the works and some are due out in a few months. I am very happy that technology is advancing at a rapid pace. I hope that someday all of these steps are completely outdated, replaced with even more amazing advances in computing power.

The Pipeline Basics

From an extremely broad perspective the x86 processor family has not changed very much over its 35 year history. There have been many additions but the original design (and nearly all of the original instruction set) is basically intact and visible in the modern processor. 
The original 8086 processor has 14 CPU registers which are still in use today. Four are general purpose registers — AX, BX, CX, and DX. Four are segment registers that are used to help with pointers — Code Segment (CS), Data Segment (DS), Extra Segment (ES), and Stack Segment (SS). Four are index registers that point to various memory locations — Source Index (SI), Destination Index (DI), Base Pointer (BP), and Stack Pointer (SP). One register contains bit flags. And finally, there is the most important register for this article: The Instruction Pointer (IP).
The instruction pointer register is a pointer with a special job. The instruction pointer’s job is to point to the next instruction to be run.
All processors in the x86 family follow the same pattern. First, they follow the instruction pointer and decode the next CPU instruction at that location. After decoding, there is an execute stage where the instruction is run. Some instructions read from memory or write to it, others perform calculations or comparisons or do other work. When the work is done, the instruction goes through a retire stage and the instruction pointer is modified to point to the next instruction.
This decode, execute, and retire pipeline pattern applies to the original 8086 processor as much as it applies to the latest Core i7 processor. Additional pipeline stages have been added over the years, but the pattern remains.

What Has Changed Over 35 Years

The original processor was simple by today’s standard. The original 8086 processor began by evaluating the instruction at the current instruction pointer, decoded it, executed it, retired it, and moved on to the next instruction that the instruction pointer pointed to.
Each new chip in the family added new functionality. Most chips added new instructions. Some chips added new registers. For the purposes of this article I am focusing on the changes that affect the main flow of instructions through the CPU. Other changes like adding virtual memory or parallel processing are certainly interesting and useful, but not applicable to this article.
In 1982 an instruction cache was added to the processor. Instead of jumping out to memory at every instruction, the CPU would read several bytes beyond the current instruction pointer. The instruction cache was only a few bytes in size, just large enough to fetch a few instructions, but it dramatically improved performance by removing round trips to memory every few cycles.
In 1985, the 386 added cache memory for data as well as expanding the instruction cache. This gave performance improvements by reading several bytes beyond a data request. By this point both the instruction cache and data cache were measured in kilobytes rather than bytes.
In 1989, the i486 moved to a five-stage pipeline. Instead of having a single instruction inside the CPU, each stage of the pipeline could have an instruction in it. This addition more than doubled the performance of a 386 processor of the same clock rate. The fetch stage extracted an instruction from the cache. (The instruction cache at this time was generally 8 kilobytes.) The second stage would decode the instruction. The third stage would translate memory addresses and displacements needed for the instruction. The fourth stage would execute the instruction. The fifth stage would retire the instruction, writing the results back to registers and memory as needed. By allowing multiple instructions in the processor at once, programs could run much faster.
1993 saw the introduction of the Pentium processor. The processor family changed from numbers to names as a result of a lawsuit?that’s why it is Pentium instead of the 586. The Pentium chip changed the pipeline even more than the i486. The Pentium architecture added a second separate superscalar pipeline. The main pipeline worked like the i486 pipeline, but the second pipeline ran some simpler instructions, such as direct integer math, in parallel and much faster.
In 1995, Intel released the Pentium Pro processor. This was a radically different processor design. This chip had several features including out-of-order execution processing core (OOO core) and speculative execution. The pipeline was expanded to 12 stages, and it included something termed a ‘superpipeline’ where many instructions could be processed simultaneously. This OOO core will be covered in depth later in the article.
There were many major changes between 1995 when the OOO core was introduced and 2002 when our next date appears. Additional registers were added. Instructions that processed multiple values at once (Single Instruction Multiple Data, or SIMD) were introduced. Caches were introduced and existing caches enlarged. Pipeline stages were sometimes split and sometimes consolidated to allow better use in real-world situations. These and other changes were important for overall performance, but they don’t really matter very much when it comes to the flow of data through the chip.
In 2002, the Pentium 4 processor introduced a technology called Hyper-Threading. The OOO core was so successful at improving processing flow that it was able to process instructions faster than they could be sent to the core. For most users the CPU’s OOO core was effectively idle much of the time, even under load. To help give a steady flow of instructions to the OOO core they attached a second front-end. The operating system would see two processors rather than one. There were two sets of x86 registers. There were two instruction decoders that looked at two sets of instruction pointers and processed both sets of results. The results were processed by a single, shared OOO core but this was invisible to the programs. Then the results were retired just like before, and the instructions were sent back to the two virtual processors they came from.
In 2006, Intel released the “Core” microarchitecture. For branding purposes, it was called “Core 2” (because everyone knows two is better than one). In a somewhat surprising move, CPU clock rates were reduced and Hyper-Threading was removed. By slowing down the clock they could expand all the pipeline stages. The OOO core was expanded. Caches and buffers were enlarged. Processors were re-designed focusing on dual-core and quad-core chips with shared caches.
In 2008, Intel went with a naming scheme of Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7. These processors re-introduced Hyper-Threading with a shared OOO core. The three different processors differed mainly by the size of the internal caches.
Future Processors: The next microarchitecture update is currently named Haswell and speculation says it will be released late in 2013. So far the published docs suggest it is a 14-stage OOO core pipeline, so it is likely the data flow will still follow the basic design of the Pentium Pro.
So what is all this pipeline stuff, what is the OOO core, and how does it help processing speed?

CPU Instruction Pipelines

In the most basic form described above, a single instruction goes in, gets processed, and comes out the other side. That is fairly intuitive for most programmers.
The i486 has a 5-stage pipeline. The stages are ? Fetch, D1 (main decode), D2 (secondary decode, also called translate), EX (execute), WB (write back to registers and memory). One instruction can be in each stage of the pipeline. 

Attached Image: pipeline_superscalar.PNG 

There is a major drawback to a CPU pipeline like this. Imagine the code below. Back before CPU pipelines the following three lines were a common way to swap two variables in place.
XOR a, b
XOR b, a
XOR a, b

The chips starting with the 8086 up through the 386 did not have an internal pipeline. They processed only a single instruction at a time, independently and completely. Three consecutive XOR instructions is not a problem in this architecture.
We’ll consider what happens in the i486 since it was the first x86 chip with an internal pipeline. It can be a little confusing to watch many things in motion at once, so you may want to refer back to the diagram above. 
The first instruction enters the Fetch stage and we are done with that step. On the next step the first instruction moves to D1 stage (main decode) and the second instruction is brought into fetch stage. On the third step the first instruction moves to D2 and the second instruction gets moved to D1 and another is fetched. On the next stage something goes wrong. The first instruction moves to EX … but other instructions do not advance. The decoder stops because the second XOR instruction requires the results of the first instruction. The variable (a) is supposed to be used by the second instruction, but it won’t be written to until the first instruction is done. So the instructions in the pipeline wait until the first instruction works its way through the EX and WB stages. Only after the first instruction is complete can the second instruction make its way through the pipeline. The third instruction will similarly get stuck, waiting for the second instruction to complete.
This is called a pipeline stall or a pipeline bubble.
Another issue with pipelines is some instructions could execute very quickly and other instructions would execute very slowly. This was made more visible with the Pentium’s dual-pipeline system.
The Pentium Pro introduced a 12-stage pipeline. When that number was first announced there was a collective gasp from programmers who understood how the superscalar pipeline worked. If Intel followed the same design with a 12-stage superscalar pipeline then a pipeline stall or slow instruction would seriously harm execution speed. At the same time they announced a radically different internal pipeline, calling it the Out Of Order (OOO) core. It was difficult to understand from the documentation, but Intel assured developers that they would be thrilled with the results.
Let’s have a look at this OOO core pipeline in more depth.

The Out Of Order Core Pipeline

The OOO Core pipeline is a case where a picture is worth a thousand words. So let’s get some pictures.

Diagrams of CPU Pipelines

The i486 had a 5-stage pipeline that worked well. The idea was very common in other processor families and works well in the real world. 

Attached Image: pipeline_486.PNG 

The Pentium pipeline was even better than the i486. It had two instruction pipelines that could run in parallel, and each pipeline could have multiple instructions in different stages. You could have nearly twice as many instructions being processed at the same time. 

Attached Image: pipeline_586.PNG 

Having fast instructions waiting for slow instructions was still a problem with parallel pipelines. Having sequential instruction order was another issue thanks to stalls. The pipelines are still linear and can face a performance barrier that cannot be breached.
The OOO core is a huge departure from the previous chip designs with their linear paths. It added some complexity and introduced nonlinear paths:

Attached Image: pipeline_OOO.PNG 

The first thing that happens is that instructions are fetched from memory into the processor’s instruction cache. The decoder on the modern processors can detect when a large branch is about to happen (such as a function call) and can begin loading the instructions before they are needed.
The decoding stage was modified slightly from earlier chips. Instead of just processing a single instruction at the instruction pointer, the Pentium Pro processor could decode up to three instructions per cycle. Today’s (circa 2008-2013) processors can decode up to four instructions at once. Decoding produces small fragments of operations called micro-ops or ?-ops. 
Next is a stage (or set of stages) called micro-op translation, followed by register aliasing. Many operations are going on at once and we will potentially be doing work out of order, so an instruction could read to a register at the same time another instruction is writing to it. Writing to a register could potentially stomp on a value that another instruction needs. Inside the processor the original registers (such as AX, BX, CX, DX, and so on) are translated (or aliased) into internal registers that are hidden from the programmer. The registers and memory addresses need to have their values mapped to a temporary value for processing. Currently 4 micro-ops can go through translation every cycle.
After micro-op translation is complete, all of the instruction’s micro-ops enter a reorder buffer, or ROB. The ROB currently holds up to 128 micro-ops. On a processor with Hyper-Threading the ROB can also coordinate entries from multiple virtual processors. Both virtual processors come together into a single OOO core at the ROB stage.
These micro-ops are now ready for processing. They are placed in the Reservation Station (RS). The RS currently can hold 36 micro-ops at any one time.
Now the magic of the OOO core happens. The micro-ops are processed simultaneously on multiple execution units, and each execution unit runs as fast as it can. Micro-ops can be processed out of order as long as their data is ready, sometimes skipping over unready micro-ops for a long time while working on other micro-ops that are ready. This way a long operation does not block quick operations and the cost of pipeline stalls is greatly reduced.
The original Pentium Pro OOO core had six execution units: two integer processors, one floating-point processor, a load unit, a store address unit, and a store data unit. The two integer processors were specialized; one could handle the complex integer operations, the other could solve up to two simple operations at once. In an ideal situation the Pentium Pro OOO Core execution units could process seven micro-ops in a single clock cycle.
Today’s OOO core still has six execution units. It still has the load address, store address, and store data execution units, the other three have changed somewhat. Each of the three execution units perform basic math operations, or instead they perform a more complex micro-op. Each of the three execution units are specialized to different micro-ops allowing them to complete the work faster than if they were general purpose. In an ideal situation today’s OOO core can process 11 micro-ops in a single cycle.
Eventually the micro-op is run. It goes through a few more small stages (which vary from processor to processor) and eventually gets retired. At this point it is returned back to the outside world and the instruction pointer is advanced. From the program’s point of view the instruction has simply entered the CPU and exited the other side in exactly the same way it did back on the old 8086.
If you were following carefully you may have noticed one very important issue in the way it was just described. What happens if there is a change in execution location? For example, what happens when the code hits an ’if’ statement or a ’switch” statement? On the older processors this meant discarding the work in the superscalar pipeline and waiting for the new branch to begin processing. 
A pipeline stall when the CPU holds one hundred instructions or more is an extreme performance penalty. Every instruction needs to wait while the instructions at the new location are loaded and the pipeline restarted. In this situation the OOO core needs to cancel work in progress, roll back to the earlier state, wait until all the micro-ops are retired, discard them and their results, and then continue at the new location. This was a very difficult problem and happened frequently in the design. The performance of this situation was unacceptable to the engineers. This is where the other major feature of the OOO core comes in.
Speculative execution was their answer. Speculative execution means that when a conditional statement (such as an ’if’ block) is encountered the OOO core will simply decode and run all the branches of the code. As soon as the core figures out which branch was the correct one, the results from the unused branches would be discarded. This prevents the stall at the small cost of running the code inside the wrong branch. The CPU designers also included a branch prediction cache which further improved the results when it was forced to guess at multiple branch locations. We still have CPU stalls from this problem, but the solutions in place have reduced it to the point where it is a rare exception rather than a usual condition.
Finally, CPUs with Hyper-Threading enabled will expose two virtual processors for a single shared OOO core. They share a Reorder Buffer and OOO core, appearing as two separate processors to the operating system. That looks like this:

Attached Image: pipeline_OOO_HT.PNG 

A processor with Hyper-Threading gives two virtual processors which in turn gives more data to the OOO core. This gives a performance increase during general workloads. A few compute-intensive workflows that are written to take advantage of every processor can saturate the OOO core. During those situations Hyper-Threading can slightly decrease overall performance. Those workflows are relatively rare; Hyper-Threading usually provides consumers with approximately double the speed they would see for their everyday computer tasks.

An Example

All of this may seem a little confusing. Hopefully an example will clear everything up.
From the application’s perspective, we are still running on the same instruction pipeline as the old 8086. There is a black box. The instruction pointed to by the instruction pointer is processed by the black box, and when it comes out the results are reflected in memory.
From the instruction’s point of view, however, that black box is quite a ride.
Here is today’s (circa 2008-2013) CPU ride, as seen by an instruction:
First, you are a program instruction. Your program is being run.
You are waiting patiently for the instruction pointer to point to you so you can be processed. When the instruction pointer gets about 4 kilobytes away from you — about 1500 instructions away — you get collected into the instruction cache. Loading into the cache takes some time, but you are far away from being run. This prefetch is part of the first pipeline stage.
The instruction pointer gets closer and closer. When the instruction pointer gets about 24 instructions away, you and five neighbors get pulled into the instruction queue.
This processor has four decoders. It has room for one complex instruction and up to three simple instructions. You happen to be a complex instruction and are decoded into four micro-ops.
Decoding is a multi-step process. Part of the decode process involved a scan to see what data you need and if you are likely to cause a jump to somewhere new. The decoder detected a need for some additional data. Unknown to you, somewhere on the far side of the computer, your data starts getting loaded into the data cache. 
Your four micro-ops step up to the register alias table. You announce which memory address you read from (it happens to be fs:[eax+18h]) and the chip translates that into temporary addresses for your micro-ops. Your micro-ops enter the reorder buffer, or ROB. At the first available opportunity they move to the Reservation Station.
The Reservation Station holds instructions that are ready to be run. Your third micro-op is immediately picked up by Execution Port 5. You don’t know why it was selected first, but it is gone. A few cycles later your first micro-op rushes to Port 2, the Load Address execution unit. The remaining micro-ops wait as various ports collect other micro-ops. They wait as Port 2 loads data from the memory cache and puts it in temporary memory slots.
They wait a long time…
A very long time… 
Other instructions come and go while they wait for their micro-op friend to load the right data. Good thing this processor knows how to handle things out of order. 
Suddenly both of the remaining micro-ops are picked up by Execution Ports 0 and 1. The data load must be complete. The micro-ops are all run, and eventually the four micro-ops meet back in the Reservation Station.
As they travel back through the gate the micro-ops hand in their tickets listing their temporary addresses. The micro-ops are collected and joined, and you, as an instruction, feel whole again. The CPU hands you your result, and gently directs you to the exit. 
There is a short line through a door marked “Retirement”. You get in line, and discover you are standing next to the same instructions you came in with. You are even standing in the same order. It turns out this out-of-order core really knows its business.
Each instruction then goes out of the CPU, seeming to exit one at a time, in the same order they were pointed to by the instruction pointer.


This little lecture has hopefully shed some light on what happens inside a CPU. It isn’t all magic, smoke, and mirrors.
Getting back to the original questions, we now have some good answers. 
What goes on inside the CPU? There is a complex world where instructions are broken down into micro-operations, processed as soon as possible in any order, then put back together in order and in place. To an outsider it looks like they are being processed sequentially and independently. But now we know that on the inside they are handled out of order, sometimes even running braches of code based on a prediction that they will be useful.
How long does it take for one instruction to run? While there was a good answer to this in the non-pipelined world, in today’s processors the time it takes is based on what instructions are nearby, and the size and contents of the neighboring caches. There is a minimum amount of time it takes to go through the processor, but that is roughly constant. A good programmer and optimizing compiler can make many instructions run in around amortized zero time. With an amortized zero time it is not the cost of the instruction that is slow; instead it means it takes the time to work through the OOO core and the time to wait for cache memory to load and unload.
What does it mean when a new CPU has a 12-stage pipeline, or 18-stage, or even a “deep” 31-stage pipeline? It means more instructions are invited to the party at once. A very deep pipeline can mean that several hundred instructions can be marked as ’in progress’ at once. When everything is going well the OOO core is kept very busy and the processor gains an impressive throughput of instructions. Unfortunately, this also means that a pipeline stall moves from being a mild annoyance like it was in the early days, to becoming a performance nightmare as hundreds of instructions need to wait around for the pipeline to clear out.
How can I apply this to my programs? The good news is that CPUs can anticipate most common patterns, and compilers have been optimizing for OOO core for nearly two decades. The CPU runs best when instructions and data are all in order. Always keep your code simple. Simple and straightforward code will help the compiler’s optimizer identify and speed up the results. Don’t jump around if you can help it, and if you need to jump, try to jump around exactly the same way every time. Complex designs like dynamic jump tables are fancy and can do a lot, but neither the compiler or CPU will predict what will be coming up, so complex code is very likely to result in stalls and mis-predictions. On the other side, keep your data simple. Keep your data in order, adjacent, and consecutive to prevent data stalls. Choosing the right data structures and data layouts can do much to encourage good performance. As long as you keep your code and data simple you can generally rely on your compiler’s optimizer to do the rest.
Thanks for joining me on the ride.

2013-05-17 Removed a word that someone was offended by


GDOL (Gamedev.net Open License)

英文原文:gamedev.net,编译:感谢@deuso_ICT 的热心翻译

本文由 伯乐在线 – Zeng Lu 翻译



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