Dell:别期望我们产品有太多AMD 处理器在内
x86 处理器市场一直被Intel 把持着,但Ryzen 出来似乎有些变化。
AMD 推出Zen 架构的Ryzen 处理器以后,Gaming PC、Server 以及Workstation 市场似乎有了些不一样的声音,但想要突破Intel 把持着多年的领域,似乎有不少难度在。
我们见到不少PC 品牌推出以Ryzen 处理器的产品,但数量依旧维持在个位数。Dell EMC 作为市场领导品牌之一,当然也有推出采用AMD 处理器的产品,然而技术长John Roese 在MWC 接受Channel Pro 访问时提到,这些当然会成为我们公司产品线的其中一部分,只是这些采用AMD处理器的产品无法成为Dell EMC 的主力。
【Intel CEO Otellini当年直称Dell 为“The best friend money can buy(金钱所能收买的最好的朋友)”,不是没有缘由的。
毫无疑问的,Intel 绝对是今天最佳球员(而且还身兼裁判),而AMD 则是第二。两者间的差异非常大,因此Dell EMC 的产品组合中可以见到他们的身影,然而Intel 处理器的产品组合的广度更胜AMD。
AMD 当然会在x86 处理器市场占有一席之地,只是Intel 提供的产品种类让AMD 处理器显得单调不少。
John 强调AMD 正在做一些有趣的事情,而公司会挑选一些产品使用,只是必须非常清楚一件事情,在这个领域中,Intel 就是主导者,身为挑战者的AMD 很努力,但两者的市场占有率是非常地悬殊,所以Dell EMC 的产品组合并不会因此而有太大变化,也就是说,别指望AMD 会与Intel 形成双寡头的局面。
Dell EMC CTO says an Intel-AMD duopoly is a long way off
AMD’s Ryzen chips will remain a rarity in Dell EMC’s products, Channel Pro has learned, despite the new silicon finding favour with buyers.
For the past several years, the processor market has been utterly dominated by Intel, with previous rivals AMD fading to near-insignificance. Last year, however, AMD came back with a bang, launching their new Ryzen chipset to much fanfare.
The new chips have been a hit with fans and customers, thanks to their more affordable pricing and powerful multithreaded performance. Ryzen chips have started appearing in more and more hardware, including servers, workstations and gaming PCs from large manufacturers.
Dell EMC is no exception, integrating AMD processors into workstations, all-in-one devices and even servers . However, CTO John Roese told Channel Pro that these products will be an exception within Dell’s lineup, and the company won’t offer large numbers of AMD-powered machines any time soon.
“Make no mistake about it,” he said at MWC in Barcelona today, “Intel is the big player, AMD is the second player. There’s enough diversity between them that there are use cases to have them both in our portfolio, but just the sheer breadth of the Intel processor portfolio is massive compared to even the accelerated AMD world.”
According to Roese, while AMD still absolutely has a place in the processor market, the number of different models offered by Intel means that there is little value in producing an AMD-powered variant of every product in its portfolio.
“AMD is doing some interesting things, and by adding them to the portfolio we pick up a few extra areas, but let’s be very clear: there is a huge, dominant player in compute semiconductors, and then there is a challenger which is doing some very good innovative work called AMD, but the gap between them is quite large in terms of market share and use-cases. So our portfolio is not going to change in any meaningful way.”
“Don’t expect it to be a duopoly any time soon.”
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