
两年前流产的AMD Radeon R9 285X曝光



The Radeon R9 285X, the model that I told you about few times before, was canceled by AMD shortly before launch. To our surprise, it has finally made its first public appearance, more than 2 years after initial launch date.

【很久之前提到过的Radeon R9 285X,在发布会之前被取消了。但最近它在14年9月2号的发布会两年多后首次现出真身。

Tonga XT in R9 285X

【R9 285X,搭载Tonga XT】

This model was never just a rumor. It was supposed to arrive a month after R9 285, although it was quickly canceled. Plans to launch 285X were probably scrapped due to poor reception of Tonga power efficiency over Tahiti-based models ? the R9 285X would clearly have higher power requirements than R9 285, so it would only get worse).
【R9 285X这个型号并不是只是传闻而已。它本应该在R9 285一个月后发布,但很快就被取消了。取消285X的发布计划可能是由于:Tonga在之前的Tahiti祖传系列上没能改进被诟病的能效问题。R9 285已经被喷了,285X只会更惨…】

The photos were posted by ZealotKi11er, who is a member of Overclock.net forums:



The PCB and new C765 board, our database has no record of such board number, which means it was never made public:



So we learn from this that R9 285X was supposed to get 6+8pin power connector and 5+1 phase design. The GPU would be supported by 3GB of GDDR5 memory as confirmed by GPU-Z validation:

【R9 285X配有6+8pin供电接口,5+1相供电。根据GPUZ信息285X标配应该是3GB GDDR5。


And yes, it means that full Tonga initially had 2048 Stream Processors and 384-bit memory interface. This GPU was never released in such configuration. The only variant that was made public was 2048 SP version, but with 256-bit memory bus for Macs (Amethyst R9 M295X). It was also later available as R9 380X, but still with 256-bit bus (I guess AMD just wanted 4GB card, 384-bit would either mean 3GB or 6GB).

【这意味着完整版TongaXT是有2048SP以及384bit位宽的。但已发布的Tonga都不是这个规格,唯一发布的2048SP版本是专供苹果Mac的R9 M295X(和R9 380X),但它只有256位宽。我估计AMD只是想给它配4G显存而已,384bit就只能3GB/6GB了。

The user also tested it in Time Spy benchmark. It scored 3104 GPU points:

【Time Spy也测了,GPU分数3104】

And R9 285 result I found through Google (you can probably find more accurate result):

【而R9 285是2650分左右,你可能找到更准确的结果。】



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