
【帕斯卡GP102-400曝光】NVIDIA Pascal GP102-400 spotted



NVIDIA Pascal GP102-400【NVIDIA 帕斯卡 GP102-400核心】

The first part of this rumor came from Geeks3D forums. It was discovered in ‘some obscure places’, that NVIDIA is currently testing three GPUs, the GP102, GP104 and GP106.



There’s currently only one variant of GP102 silicon being evaluated (-400), and this is most likely the full chip. This chip could either be used in GeForce GTX 1080 Ti or in successor to TITAN series.【目前只有一个型号的GP102核心在测试(GP102-400),这很可能是完整核心。这块核心可能会用在GTX1080Ti和下代TITAN卡上】

The GP102 is no doubt the GPU that will compete with VEGA 10, so it’s hard to predict where NVIDIA is going to use it.【毫无疑问,GP102就是那块和VEGA10对位的GPU,因此NVIDIA会怎么出招是很难预测的。(因为要看VEGA10来调整)

Thanks to this leak we also learn about new GP104 variants. The GP104-725, 950, 975, 985 are quite possibly new Quadro and Tesla variants.【多亏了这次曝光我们也发现了GP104的新型号。GP104-725,950,975,985,这些很可能是新Quadro和Tesla计算卡的核心型号】

Furthermore there are also three GP106 chips being tested. The GP106-300 and 400 might be GeForce variants (GTX 1060/GTX 1050), whereas the 750 could be Quadro.【另外GP106也有三种核心正在测试,GP106-300和400可能是GeForce(GTX1060/1050),GP106-750可能是Quadro。】


NVIDIA PG611 board【PG611 PCB】


The second part of this rumor came from Korean certification office (National Radio Research Agency). The new board that passed all obligatory tests is called PG611, and you probably wonder what is so special about it. Well the last two boards that were certified by the same office were PG411 (GTX 1080) and PG413 (GTX 1070). We also know about Pascal GP106 PG418 board that is used in Drive PX 2 module, but was not certified as of yet.【传闻的第二部分来自棒子的认证机构(RRA)。通过了所有强制性测试的PCB型号为PG611,你可能会想为什么会这么特别。因为上一次通过这个认证的两个板子是PG411(GTX1080)和PG413(GTX1070)。我们也知道了搭载GP106的PG418是用在Drive PX2模组里的,但目前还没有通过认证。】

The last board that was using PG6xx nomenclature was based on GM200 Maxwell GPU. If NVIDIA was to follow the same principle in its naming schema, PG611 should feature the so-called Big Pascal (GP100 or GP102).【上一次以PG6XX命名的是GM200系列。如果NV打算遵守同样的命名规则,PG611就应该是被称为Big Pascal的GPU(GP100或者GP102)】

Of course I’m not claiming that there’s a new card just around the corner, but seeing more and more leaks about GP102 does make me wonder how close are we to its launch. The PG611 could also be Tesla P100, because cards that we saw at GTC were not even certified at the time.【当然我不是说马上就有一张新卡就要发布,但越来越多关于GP102的曝光让我想知道距离它的发布还有多近。PG611也可能是TeslaP100,因为在GTC看到的显卡在当时都还没通过认证。】


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